Friday, December 4, 2009

After Thanksgiving Dinner Activities

Because we had such great weather for Thanksgiving Day we spent a majority of the time outside playing. Here are the kids playing soccer.Justin is such a good little soccer player. Got an action shot.

Right after the meal everyone snuggled in the living room watching movies or snoozing. You can see Grandpa all zonked out.

I thought this was a cute picture of Gracie curled up against her dad while he slept and she watched the movie.

The 3 sisters...such cutie gals!

After the movie we all went back outside for some more play time. Here Greg is giving Gracie a big push on the rope swing.

Sariah off discovering whatever she could get her hands on.

Gracie loved having Sariah around to mother. The 2 of them were so cute together.

Here the kids are helping me rake the leaves into a great big pile. Well actually Gracie is helping and Thomas and Sariah are playing.

All the Grandkids in the big pile of leaves.

Of course we had to have a shot of them throwing them in the air.

Some of my very favorite people.

Grandpa and Grandma just celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary, amazing!

The 2 cuties discovering more of Grandpa's gardening.

I actually got him to smile at the camera for once. He really doesn't like me taking his picture but sometimes he will humor me...this is his humor me smile. I love this little guy!

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