Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey, a night at the circus!

The past week we got to go to the circus. Wahoo! It was the first time for both Justin and Sariah to attend the circus. I hadn't been in a super long time so it was fun for me too, well as fun as a circus can be with a 13 month old baby. I am thankful we went early enough for the pre-show because that was the highlight of my night!

Brynn and Justin figuring out their magic trick before the show started.

Pops the man who made it all possible! Thank you!

Daddy and Sariah on pre-show walk.
Sariah and I went down to the arena to see the sights and we got there just in time for the elephants. It was awesome. Sariah had been trying to do the elephant noise all week and she got to see them up close, she loved it. They were painting.

They put out this fog stuff so the pictures are horrible.

We also got really up close to a clown. Sariah wasn't sure what to do with the clowns but Laurel and Menleigh were all smiles!

Right before the show started, my little family.

Right after the show ended out front. Part of the group already left so I took a pic of all of us that were left. It was a fun night for everyone.

Sariah and I probably only saw about a third of the show. She was way tired and next time I go to the circus I won't take a 13 month old....I will wait till they are older or just stay home with the baby and let the rest of the fam enjoy.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Highchair Snoozin'

About a week ago Sariah had decided to forgo the nap thing. By dinner time she was sooo exhausted. As I noticed her falling asleep in her chair I ran to get my camera to document the moment. You can hear Justin's giggle in the background. He thought this was the funniest thing. Poor baby so tired but fighting to stay awake so she can eat her dinner. I always wondered how kids fell asleep in their chairs. Now I know. Can you tell what her dinner was?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Spur of the Moment Talent Show

One Sunday during quite time cutie tootie sisters spent time creating a talent show for the family. The made invitations for us and put them on our plates at dinner, requesting us to be on time for the special performance. Seriously they went all out with music and costumes. It was fun.

Miss Laurel did a routine to a church seminary song called Today's the Day.

The dramatic ending to her lovely dance/gymnastics routine.

Miss Menleigh did a very choreographed routine to a church seminary song called Armor of God. She even wore a leotard. It was very interesting as well

This move was when she did a handstand and held it as she moved her legs into air splits. I was amazed that she could hold the position for so long.

Our cute performers.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

California Part 6- Bakersfield

The first 12 years of James' life he grew up in Bakersfield. We were able to stop by and say hello to his Dad. It was fun to meet some more people from James' early life.

This is Justin and his uncle who is a year older then him. I think Justin is getting used to having uncles and aunts who are almost the same age as him.

Sariah with Ron and his wife

It was nice to sit and chat with them at lunch and have them get to play with the kids for a little bit. We need to go back and spend some more time with them.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Not in the mood

Seriously for almost a week I haven't been in the mood to sit and blog about anything. I have lots of things to blog about I just don't have the blogging itch right now. I am doing my best to stay positive with all that has been going on with our move to AZ and such. I have an amazing husband who I love very much and I am so grateful for all of his hard work.
Anyway, know that I will blog something new soon. I just gotta get the motivation going.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

California Part 5- Playing with the Cousins

The kiddos had a lot of fun with their cousins while we were in California. Here are a few pictures of fun times with the cousins.

These 2 kids were always together. He just loved her to pieces always giving her kisses. Here she is trying to share her water with him.

These 2 cousins saw Sariah playing in the tower and climbed in there with her. It was so funny.

This is how they played most of the time. Sariah doing her own thing close to them.

So much love.

Getting cookies from Grandpa

What do you do with the smallest cousin? See if she fits in the lego box. LOL.

She had a lot of fun with her cousins, no matter what they did together.

Justin had loads of fun as well with his cousins, they just were on the move and out of camera shot most of the time.

Here I caught them in motionless position as they are watching some avatar.

Thanks for all the fun times California cousins. We can't wait to come play with you again.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

California Part 4- Sequoia National Forest

While in California we went with James' grandparents to venture into the Sequoia National Forest. It was awesome. They only lived about 45 minutes from the entrance the the forest and about 2 hours from these beautiful trees. I loved it!

Here is Daddy with the Kiddos

The big tress

It was such perfect weather, James loved it!

The biggest tree in the Sequoia National Forest is called the General Sherman. We had to take a little hike down to see it. Grandpa and Sariah stayed in the car for a rest. Both of them were still snoozing when we came back an hour later.
Here is the group that hiked down to the big one.

Playing around

Father and Son...my cute men!

Grandma and James chattin. Grandma was able to walk down to the tree and then walked out the handicap accessible location at the bottom with Justin. This made it easier for them not to have to walk back up to the car and we picked them up on the way out.

Justin kept wanting to touch the moss on the trees so when we found a tree close to the path that had fallen and had moss on it I took a picture. Such an inquisitive little guy.

The tree in the middle is the big one, General Sherman

I thought this one looked like it had a nose.

Justin and Dad next to the General

Not an attractive picture of me at all!! But here we are in front of the biggest tree in width. There are Redwood trees that are taller but General Sherman keeps growing each year in width.

Another big one.

In between 2 big trees.

Cutie Sariah was so not a fan of being in her car seat again. But I got sort of a smile out of her.

A Junior Park Ranger Badge? Who could that belong to?

Fun for Justin at the national park, he was officially sworn in as a Junior Park Ranger.

I give the Sequoia National Forest 2 thumbs up, great family fun for all ages involved. Definitely a family memory that all should have.

California Part 3- Hanks Baby Blessing

The day after the reunion we made the kids get back in the car for a four hour drive to see my sister Gretchen and her cutie little family. It was a special day for Gretchen's fam because her little Hank was getting blessed at church.
Uncle Luke (my youngest brother) and Baby Hank
Luke, Hank, Grandpa Kent, and Grandma Ladybug

We also got to celebrate Grandpa Kent's birthday while at Gretchen's

Luke and Justin get along really well....sometimes too well, they fight like brothers....but they love like brothers too!

Paul doesn't like getting his picture taken so I had to sneak this one in. We love Uncle Paul

Grandpa Kent was sharing cake with Sariah and this is what she thought of it.

Happy Birthday Dad

Super Hank...He is just so cute!

Sariah really does love her daddy.

Mark giving Justin a ride on his shoulders to the house.

James and Sariah

I loved being able to go see my sister Gretchen and spend time with her cute little family. She is a great mom and so much fun. I thought it was interesting that Gretchen and I were wearing the same colors that day, steel blue and white. Not even planned. Next time we go we need to spend more time with them.

Sariah watching Hank in the bumbo.

After Hank got out she got in to reminisce about the days in her bumbo.