My birthday landed on a Sunday this year so we celebrated on Saturday and Monday. On Saturday Morning we got the keys to our new house, I will post about tomorrow. That of course was the best birthday present!
Then Saturday night by family took me out to eat at a yummy Korean restaurant, Hodori. Since James served in the military in Korea and Justin is half Korean our family loves Korean food. We had so seriously good stuff on my birthday.
Little Miss and Me
Chopstick lessons. He was so determined to learn how to use them. You can see the meat on the table...Bulgoli is what I think it is. So yummy!
It was a great night out with the fam and some yummy food! Wahoo for good food and family. If you are looking for some good Korean Food in Mesa, Arizona I totally suggest Hodori.
All I can say is YUMMY!!! Looks delicious!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Hey you and your kiddos should come meet me on sat. in Glendale. There is a chocolate festival!! poni rides,face painting, etc.
call me if you want to go!
Wow! Yummy food. Happy Birthday. And congrats on your house. Can't wait to see pictures.
Happy Birthday! Korean food is SO good! Congrats on your new house! I can't wait to see what you do to it.
Happy Birthday sweetness!
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