Monday, September 8, 2008

I wanna be when I grow up....

So on the way to church yesterday my little Justin says to his Dad.... "I wanna be an apostle when I grow up." I kid you quote from his little mouth. There was a whole conversation that continued about what apostles do and how much they make...he is in a phase right now of trying to figure out how to make money....(side note he still thinks he can find enough money on the streets to live a good life...yes we are trying to break that train of thought but he is only 7). Anyway it was so awesome to hear him tell us about the apostles and why he wanted to be one when he grew up.
Well we get to church and in the announcements before sacrament meeting they tell us that next week we are having a special stake conference and we will be having an apostle of the Lord come and speak to us....Elder David A. Bednar... Yep, little Justin will get to meet someone who he wants to grow up to be... Now tell me how often does that happen in a kids life? Heavenly Father is very, very aware of everyone of His children. And even though it was planned out way before little Justin said he wanted to be an apostle when he grew up, I still think it is amazing that Justin will be able to meet an apostle the very week after he decided that. My children truly never cease to amaze me. I learn more from them then I have ever learned in a book or at school.

This picture of Justin is about a year old...I need to get a better one of him in his Sunday clothes.
But he is still as cute today as he was a year ago!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful story. When I was in Primary, they asked me in Sunday School which of the Characteristics of one of the Prophet's I wanted to have. And I said that I wanted to be a prophet....

They weren't ready for that, and I came to understand that being a prophet is calling from God, and not really and aspiration.

BTW, we too will have an Apostle at our next Stake Conference (this weekend). It will be Pres. Eyring. How cool is that.

Luke and Niki said...

That is soooo cute! I would for sure keep that going!!! You will have to let us know how it is to see David Bednar!

DLonna said...


I just found your cute blog from facebook. You will have to check out mine (I guess I better update it.)

Justin is too cute!!


Janika said...

Did the blue suit end up fitting Justin? I found you on the Antrobus blog. I am going to add you to the list on check out my blog too.

Reams Fam said...

Tiana! I found your blog and I have to say that you have the most adorable family! How have you been, other than having a newborn, haha?! You look great!

Renee and Jake said...

How cute is that!!!