So we drove up the afternoon after Christmas to Idaho to spend time with my Dad's side of the family. It took us so long to get up there we didn't really get to hang out with everyone until the following day. It was so much fun to see everyone and to have most of us there.
Ian Ray and Patty (aka Honey) being goofy.

Cutie Tootie Laurel Loo.

Ian and Me

Justin and Brynn

Miss Menleigh

Grandpa(aka Pops) and Sariah

The girls with Grandma...Tallie was missing in this one

Pops gettig attacked

Great Grandma Gifford and Justin

Me, Sariah and Grandma Gifford

4 Generations

The Namesake's Family
We have called my brother Ian the Namesake since he is the only Gifford boy to carry on the Lavaughn Gifford (my Grandpa Gifford) name. Ian has done his job of having a son and now Sean will be called the Namesake.

Nick and AJ

Justin is always wanting to hold Sariah

Playing Games at Grandmas

Brynn was totally into the game.

See I told you he is amazing! He changes diapers and I have proof.

The next 3 pics are of Great Grandma Gifford with all her Great Grandkids. I posted all 3 of them because Grandma is only looking at the camera in the last one and all the kids look great in the first 2.
In the front you have Sean. On Grandma's lap you have Sariah and my cousin's new daughter whose name starts with a K and I can't remember it cause I am a punk. Then to the right of Grandma is AJ and Kiley. And then on the left is my cute Justin.

The Namesake and his son.
Ian and Sean

Tallie and her son AJ. Grandma and her son, my Dad.

Kiley and Sariah

Grandma and Sean

My cutie boys!

Katrina, my cousin, and Marco's little family.

Honey and Justin
just wanted to say you sure are looking great! looks like lots of great memories!
It makes me so happy to see another beautiful girl in the clothes that my beautiful girls wore. :)
The picture with the grandkids is such a precious moment, that I can't bare that it didn't turn out right. So, I took a minute it or two to GIMP it for you. Check it out here.
Tavis you are awesome!! Thank you so much for fixing that picture. I am going to post it again on here and print it off to send to Grandma! You rock!!!
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