I can't believe that it has already been a year since you joined our little family. Time has flown by at such a pace it is practically unbelievable. You have brought our little family closer together as all of us have you in common. We are so grateful for the joy you bring each day with your giggles, words, and funny little dances. I look forward to new things with you as you continue to grow. Thank you for letting us love you and being a part of our family. We are blessed to have you in our lives! Happy Birtday Baby Girl, with many more to come!!
Yeah, clap for a forever family!!

Mom and Me on my birthday.

Happy birthday!!! I sure do love you girls and miss you terribly. :)
I can't believe she is one! Wow! Time does fly doesn't it? Happy Birthday Sweet Sariah!
Wow! A year already! How crazy is that?! :)
Happy Birthday Sariah!
happy birthday to a little bit of light in the world. children are such a gift from God and you are so blessed to have your two. give sariah kisses from me.
love, megan
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