Friday, May 22, 2009

The Ladybug Cupcake Birthday Cake

In my mind I had this wonderful idea for Sariah's birthday cake, I wanted it to be a ladybug. A few months back my friend Heidi made a turtle cake out of cupcakes for her son who turned one so I thought I might be able to do it for the ladybug.

I started by making the cupcakes with a box cake and some vanilla pudding to make them moist. YUM...they really were moist. I made big and little cupcakes.

The hard part was figuring out how to get the cupcakes to all stay together when I iced them...I resorted in using a round cake pan.

Then I had an awesome friend make me some red icing that was perfect in every way.

I used Bliss Chocolate pieces for the spots and black licorice for the legs, eyes, and line down the back. I know it doesn't look professional or anything but I loved my little ladybug cake. The kiddos loved it too! It's a memory that I will definitely keep for a long time.


Diana said...

That is an awesome cake!!! What a fun idea:)

Cherry Blossoms said...

Cute T!

Megan and Vinny said...

it's so so so cute! i still remember cakes that my mom made for me and my brothers on our birthdays - you rock!


Renee and Jake said...

I made a lady bug cake for Ginny one year and used mini oreos for the spots.