Little Miss loves the park. We can spend an hour there with out her getting bored. She makes new friends every time and has lots of fun being fearless.
I am never far away when she climbs things....people are amazed that this little gal can climb the way she does. But they also think she is younger then she really is.
This is the part that scares me...when she gets to the top there is a gap but she makes it across perfectly fine.
The other day she climbed up on the slide and started to sing a little song that had no discernible tune or words.
When I took this picture I had no idea what she was about to do. Normally she will just go up to this ladder and look at it for a moment, then walk away.
But she decided to start climbing. She gets to the second wrung on the ladder and then can't get any higher. I was shocked and amazed at how strong her little body is. She really has no fear of heights or climbing. Is that normal?
She's a beautiful, adventurous girl. Pray hard and keep good insurance. She should come climb with Thomas. We know where to find some great parks with wonderful climbing equipment-enough for all the kiddos. Hugs!
What a cute little girl you have. My 2 year old is so the same he has no fear. I think he thinks he is 5 not 2. Have a great THanksgiving!!!!
fearless, just like her mama!
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