A while back I posted about Justin entertaining his sister on a rainy day with pictures of our family. After my little photo shoot and while I was trying to get Sariah to go down for her nap, Justin added to the props of what he needed to teach Sariah. When I came back out later he showed me that he had made a picture of the temple* so Sariah would know that is where our family was going to be sealed* together. Right now this little display is on top of the pantry and I am most likely going to get it framed. I am really lucky to be Justin's mom. He is such a great kid with a big loving heart...he might be too smart and drive me crazy some times but moments like these make every little thing worth it!

Temple-The house of the Lord prepared and dedicated for sacred gospel ordinances. Also a place of worship and prayer.
Sealed- An ordinance performed in the temple eternally uniting a husband and wife, or children and their parents.
1 comment:
what a special little boy you have there tiana!!!
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