Nothing spectacular happened on Day 5 just some good times with the family. Here are some photos from the day of nothing too special...but Family is the reason why we went to Utah in the first place so it's special to us.
Grandma Ladybug and Sariah

Big Girl sits up in the bath all by herself!

Uncle James and Uncle Paul...such handsome boys who are growing up too fast!

Uncle Mark and Uncle James with Justin such a goof!

Justin had so much fun with all of his uncles!

Time with Grandpa Kent

Uh-oh....the bald spot is showing...Sariah loves pulling on everyones hair.

Sariah tried a whole bunch of new food while in Utah. She normally eats MumMum's but tried a teething cookie and it made a huge mess. I am so grateful for MumMum's they don't make a mess like the cookies and are so easy to clean up.

But she sure did enjoy her teething cookie.

More time with cousin Sean

Sean wouldn't look at the camera too long. He kept wanting to look at the cuteness that is Sariah. Here is the only one I caught of him looking at the camera.

1 comment:
You look so beautiful and SO happy! Your hair has gotten so long (its gorgeous!) We miss you madly here...please come visit us soon!
The Smiths
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