Last weekend our ward had a camp out up at the ever popular Camp LoMia. This is the camp location where the Young Women go every summer for girls camp. It was a fun little location. Here is Sariah right after we got out of the car...she had a little trouble at first walking on the rocky road but she loved it.
This was the name of our cabin. It was the only cabin that had indoor plumbing. We were lucky. It was a nice one compared to all of the others. Thanks to Pops and Honey for getting this cabin and sharing it with us!
The campground has tons of blackberry bushes. They line the creek that is in the middle of the camp. It was awesome. We had so much fun picking them and eating them.
Brynn fell in the creek while we were picking berries. I wasn't quick enough with the camera to catch her in the creek but I got the wet backside.
Sariah loved walking around on this bridge early in the morning. It was about 70 degrees up at Camp LoMia so she got to wear some warmer clothes not normal for hot August Arizona weather.
After breakfast James and I went for a hike with the little one. She was tired so we had her in the bjorn. Which for the most part she still loves to be in that thing....being that she is still tiny enough for it. She almost fell asleep while James was carrying her.
Hey thats where i had girls camp every year!! LOL Glad you guys had fun and got to see the Grand Canyon finally!!!
Hope you guys are having fun in AZ. Sure do miss you guys!!
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