Friday, October 30, 2009


What an awesome game last weekend was for Justin and his team. Not only was it their first win of the season but our cute little Justin scored his very first goal. WAHOO!! When he scored the goal I of course went a little crazy with the cheering and then realized that I was so busy cheering I forgot to take a picture of his goal shot. Hopefully tomorrows game I'll get a shot of him scoring. He actually attempted two other goals this game but only scored once.

Here is our little man throwing in the ball down the line. Here he is running after the ball. I am sitting across the field taking these shots with my awesome camera!!

3 cheers for Copperheads!!! Way to go on winning your game.

Relaxing after the game with some juice.

Justin with some of his friends on the team.

James packing up our canopy and chairs.

Little Miss Sariah running away with the juice box.

Too cute for wards.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Discovering the Camera

James got me the Sony DSC-H20 Cyber shot camera last week and I love it. I set it all up the night I got it but didn't take pictures till the morning. Here are the first test shots from the camera. The kids are watching Sesame Street...we are huge fans...just wait till you see Sariah's Halloween Costume this year.

Sariah intently watching her favorite show.
Close up using by 10x optical zoom.

A close up of Justin...isn't he just so handsome? The morning light was coming through the window and the camera magically adjusted for me. I do not claim to know how to use all the technical stuff on cameras....I totally suck at it. This camera adjusts everything for me and I love it!

Cutie Laurel

The Saturday morning group

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Can you see the difference?

A few weeks ago I went and got my toes done with Patty. This first picture was taken with my new can actually see the cute spiders on my big toe. I think the picture is a whole lot clearer then the second picture you are going to see. 2nd picture...a lot fuzzier! I love my new camera! I am a huge fan. Wait till you see tomorrows post with the pics from the weekends soccer game....the pictures are soooo amazing!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Little Gals

Sariah loves to play with her cutie Aunts outside. She is enjoying them so much. They love to take her out often. Cutie gals on the swing.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Baby Girl and her Puppy

Little Miss loves puppy dogs because of this cute dog. She can't get enough of this gal. As soon as we moved in with my Dad she was all over Paisleigh. Sariah calls her Pup pup. Paisleigh lets Sariah lay all over her. When we first got here Sariah was fascinated with Pup Pup's eyes and would stick her finger in them. Paisleigh would just sit there and let her for the majority of the time. When she gets tired of it she just gets up. Here they are watching Sesame Street together.

Most of the time they just stay close to each other. I don't know what Sariah is going to do when we move into a house without a dog....I am sure it will give her all the more reason to be excited to visit Pops and Honey cause we are not going to own a dog.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mt. Rushmore

I got an email today that made me giggle and I had to share. You know there are somethings you just never think Mt. Rushmore from the Canadian side. .What do you think?
Since my camera is acting like a crazy, we are going out tonight to find a new one. Any suggestions? I am not a camera know it all and need a little advice on one that can take pictures and videos.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Arizona Pumpkin Patch---MacDonalds Ranch

This past weekend we went to a Pumpkin patch in Scottsdale. It was at the MacDonalds Ranch which is a pretty big ranch with lots of horses. They had a petting area for the kids to get up close with lots of different animals. There was a hay ride that took us out to get our pumpkins that only cost $6. Which isn't too bad for a pumpkin. Also both of my cute kiddos got to ride a pony for the first time. There were sack races and a hay maze that the kids were involved in but I didn't get pictures of them. Over all, we had a fun time.

Here are Justin and Sariah petting the horses. Justin really is a great big brother, he loves to get Sariah to smile when ever he is near. They are so lucky to have each other!

Justin was not afraid to pick up the bunny rabbits at all. He went right in the pen and picked one up.

Sariah didn't know what to think about all the animals.

She got up close to with the bunnies and Justin.

Mr Gentle loved the bunnies!

They both loved them actually...I think we might have to get one.

I thought this baby pig and it's mama were so cute...

Shetland Pony

Laurel got to feed the pony some hay.

Now when they said pony rides I thought they would be riding a little horse but she is on a big one. Can you tell she barely fits on the saddle...her poor little legs. She kept slipping off the saddle. Thank goodness for Pops standing next to her the whole ride so I could get pictures.

Here is a front shot of little Miss and her horse.

Justin on his horse. He looks like a natural.

The helmets were a precaution....and I don't know why they just took a very slow stroll around the yard. But you never know so you got to be careful.

Little Miss Laurel on her ride.

Miss Menleigh as well.

The whole clan ready to go out to the patch to find a good pumpkin.

Munchkin head looking for the perfect pumpkin.

Justin found her this little one and she fell in love with it.

It is the perfect size.

Here they are with the perfect pumpkins! They are the cutest kiddos!!

Happy Halloween from our family to you!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Visit to the Phoenix Zoo

During Fall break...which here in Arizona is a whole week....we did a few things to keep the kids entertained. Besides the ever popular movie marathon days we took the kiddos to the Phoenix Zoo. Sariah had been to a few zoo's in Texas but was too little to really interact with the animals and such. It was so much fun this being her first time where she could be entertained with all the different animals. My camera is on it's last bit of life. I have to be creative to keep it working, which means I don't take as many pictures. Stupid camera...any suggestions on what new camera I should buy?
Here are the kiddos all buckled in the car ready for our drive to the zoo.
This little owl was at the top of the bird cage right by the door.
Little Sariah looking into the area but you can't see any animals, you can see how long her hair is getting!!
Menleigh and little miss on a frog statue.

Cute Justin playing at the little park. He is such a handsome little man.

Honey and Brynn with the little miss.

This little park that was at the Zoo had this super long tunnel. Sariah loved it!