During Fall break...which here in Arizona is a whole week....we did a few things to keep the kids entertained. Besides the ever popular movie marathon days we took the kiddos to the Phoenix Zoo. Sariah had been to a few zoo's in Texas but was too little to really interact with the animals and such. It was so much fun this being her first time where she could be entertained with all the different animals. My camera is on it's last bit of life. I have to be creative to keep it working, which means I don't take as many pictures. Stupid camera...any suggestions on what new camera I should buy?
Here are the kiddos all buckled in the car ready for our drive to the zoo.

This little owl was at the top of the bird cage right by the door.

Little Sariah looking into the area but you can't see any animals, you can see how long her hair is getting!!

Menleigh and little miss on a frog statue.

Cute Justin playing at the little park. He is such a handsome little man.

Honey and Brynn with the little miss.

This little park that was at the Zoo had this super long tunnel. Sariah loved it!