Little Miss and I often eat dinner without the boys. Justin and James can be found out and about doing wrestling or scouts. Which leaves Sariah and I with lots of time to ourselves. Seriously I can't get enough of this cute face. She brings me soooo many smiles. One particular night we were having so much fun that I pulled out the camera and she totally posed for so many pictures.
She had avocados and chicken noodle soup for dinner. Can you tell?
Love this little gal.
After she finished her avocado and most of her noodles, I let her have a yummy truffle bar. Oh she loved it!!!
Oh my chocolate everywhere!!!!
Getting the very last little bit.
I look like a total scrub because I had gone and worked out before dinner. Ignore the hair and clothes they are stinky workout clothes. Good thing pictures don't smell.
Love this picture because we have almost the same exact expression on our faces. Can you see how swollen her gums are? Teething is no fun.
How stinkin cute!! She is so funny and so beautiful. I loved what her shirt said by the way. Her mom is pretty cute too. lol
i could seriously look at pictures of her all day long! i still can't believe i have never seen her in person... thank heaven for blogs!!!
love you!
She is SO cute! I loved her shirt too, Gap? If you soak it in a bucket of water with some Oxy Clean powder it should come right out- I swear that stuff is amazing. Love the pics!
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