During spring break we got together with my cute little sisters and some of Patty's nieces' and nephews for a tour of downtown Mesa, Arizona. They have these awesome sculptures/statues positioned all along Main Street. We went on a hunt to take some pictures with the sculptures/statues.
Here is cute Brynn with her cousin Phoebe.

Our first set of statues that we found were of a Grandma sitting on a bench and what looks like her husband standing up with their lunch in the middle. Justin and 2 of the other Stark cousins are sitting on the lunch. When we walked up to the sculpture I sat Sariah down on Grandma's lap and she freaked out. She was totally not a fan of the stiff looking people.

But when I told the kids to make a crazy faces, little miss Sariah joined in and did a great job. Menleigh looks like she is getting tooo personal with Grandpa.

The Momma Bear feeding her cubs some fish.

Justin is pretending he is one of the cubs.

I don't even remember what this one was...but they all have such cute faces.

This was a huge shoe and the kids really had a good time trying to get on to it.

Cute little Zeke was to tired to be in the first few pictures and he took a snooze in the stroller.
This is the sculpture I wanted to see. I think this pink chair is so awesome. I should of made them take a picture of me in it...but I was too busy taking pictures of the kiddos.

My little sisters looking so cute. The lighting wasn't the best with it shining in their eyes.

My kiddos looking so little in the big pink chair.

Isn't he just the handsomest?

Is Menleigh kissing this guy too?

As you can see some kids started opting out of the pictures toward the end of our wal.


I see you

Loved this one of Patty looking at the scrapbook with the kiddo sculpture.

Two cuties taking a break.

This pig was lots of fun....Justin jumped right on top of him.

We love Brynn!

Once again Sariah was afraid of the statue and her Honey had to show her how to kiss the pig.

Wahoo Sariah kissed the piggy.

Then she lovingly picked it's nose.

Looked at his toes.

Found his tail.

And gave him a love goodbye.

Our last sculpture for the day were these huge people. This was by far my favorite shot of the big kids in front of the tall people. They are sitting on top of the suitcase and I am on the ground.

Here are all the kiddos at the feet of the big people.

Funny facese

Brynn is so short.

Thanks to everyone for being good sports on our photo shot of Main Street. I had a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed Mesa Frozen Yogurt afterwards.
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