Gretchen and Mark had a good friend get married in Arizona during the month of March and got to come visit us! I was so excited that Gretchen was coming to AZ for a visit, that I forgot to charge my camera battery before she got here. The only pictures I got of their weekend visit, were of us at the park when they first got here and then right before they left. We had so much fun while they were here and can hardly wait for them to come back and visit.
Gretchen took this picture of Hank and Sariah in the tunnel together and I love it!!!
Gretchen also took this picture of Hank on the slide. He is such a cutie...and no I did not pull is arm out of the socket.
Gretchen took this picture of Hank and Sariah in the tunnel together and I love it!!!
Here is Sariah in her favorite place at the park....right in the middle of the twisty slide. She will climb up it and look around to find who she wants to play with....right now I think she was looking for Justin.
Sariah and Hank got to swing together.
Justin loves his soccer ball and will play with it over and over again. He loved that Gretchen played soccer with him multiple times while she was here.
One of the great things that we did with Gretchen and Mark that we didn't take pictures of is when we went to Organ Stop Pizza. I blogged about Organ Stop Pizza a year ago when we visited it for the first time. There are some great pictures of the Organ from our first visit.
Gretchen asked me before they came if I knew of a good pizza place. Mark and Gretchen like to visit local pizza joints whenever they are in a new city, trying to find the best pizza. Since we are cheap and always get our pizza's at Sam's club I couldn't think of anything local to be the best pizza. Organ Stop Pizza is not the best pizza in town but is my far the most entertaining.
Mark and Gretchen loved it. I so wish I could of had a working camera when they saw the Organ for the first time. It was a great night.
Gretchen and I managed to spend the saturday morning before they went to the wedding, jumping around garage sales while the boys installed the microwave in my kitchen. We found many great things and both only spent $25 for a whole bunch of stuff.
Here is Hank playing with a chair Sariah earned for being so cute. The lady gave it to Sariah for free. You can also sort of see the little kids table I got for $7 in the background.
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