This past Friday Sariah turned 6 months old. I can hardly believe that she is already 6 months, seriously where did all that time go? It seems like just yesterday that she was the itty bitty that we were bringing home from the hospital. Sheesh!
On her 6 month mark she started to sit up by herself without any outside help. Please be warned that there are a lot of pictures to follow.
Here she is in the morning watching mom get ready in the mirror. Practicing sitting in her bumbo.

Such a serious face.

Later that day waiting for Dad to come home.

Mom and the big 6 month old!

Sibling love...can you tell that they like each other?

Here is my big girl sitting up all by herself....can you tell she is so proud of herself?

Oh she is the cutest!

Love those eyes.

What is this on the floor?

Hmmm...can I get to the camera?


Brother trying to teach her how to crawl.

Justin wanted to share in the celebration so he did a little dance for Sariah....he is seriously so funny. He decided the best dance to do was the YMCA dance.....He cracks me up!
Here is the Y




He keeps us entertained every day...

Sariah would be so bored without Justin.


Me with the kiddos

Us again.

Justin took this one because he didn't like my arm in the other pictures

Daddy came home and joined in the fun with Sariah

She really wishes she could go already like the rest of us.

Sexy Daddy Man and Baby Girl!