Saturday, July 31, 2010

Trip to Utah: Visiting Grandma Gifford Day 5

While we were in Utah I got an opportunity to drive up to Pocatello, Idaho with my brother Ian and his family to see my Grandma Gifford. I was glad that I got to see her on my trip.
We took Grandma to ButterBurs for some yummy food and good laughs.
This was the first time Grandma got to meet Constance. Her 8th Great Grandkid.
Sariah wanted to do whatever Sean did. He laid on the floor. She followed.
Grandma spending time with her Great Grandkids.

My cute cousin Katrina came over with her two girls to visit for a second. Her girls are on the right and the girl on the far left is a girl she babysits.

My Grandma and Me with the cuteness in the middle.

Oh how I love you Grandma Gifford. I wish you didn't have to get old.
I still wish Justin would of come with us on this long road trip to see my Grandma but he chose to stay and play with his uncles. Here are Ian's kiddos and my Sariah with Grandma.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Trip to Utah: Park City Mountain Resort Day 4

I really can't go to Utah without visiting my Park City family. I love these ladies. They are so wonderful and have seen me thru many different stages of my life. It is so hard not to see them every day.
Lou, Deby, Me, and Jennie Lee

All of us with the kiddos. Turner is Jennie Lee's boy that I used to babysit. I can't believe how big he has gotten.
I told you Justin was the best big brother. Here he is entertaining Sariah after our lunch.
We got some free passes from my friends for the alpine slide and coaster. Justin was a little afraid of the ski lift that took us up. Can you tell?

Little Miss wasn't afraid at all....I had to hold on tight to this one cause I thought she might just jump right off. Scared me to death.

Waiting patiently in line for our turn on the slide. It rained a little bit so we had to wait for it to be dried off.

Kiddos practicing for the real thing.
It was a lot of fun going down the slide with Sariah. She kept saying wee this is so fun, I like this mom.

While the boys stood in this long line for the coaster.

Sariah and I played on the little kiddo rides. Here she is on the airplanes.

She made friends on the train ride. They almost look like they could be sisters.

I love Park City Mountain Resort! After working there so many different times it almost feels like a home away from home. I will continue to go to PCMR whenever I am able, not only to see friends but to enjoy the mountains.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Trip to Utah: Family Dinner Day 2

After a good nights sleep I forgot to get my camera out until the family dinner when everyone started coming over for dinner at Mom's. I got to meet more of the new babies.
Cute Constance sleeping was number 4 of the 5 babies born this year.

Sean is her big brother and we just love him to pieces. They both belong to my brother Ian and his amazing wife Sarah.

Love it.

Lots of grandkids playing in Grandma's play/tv room.

Baby Dragon was number 2 of the 5.

Cynthia is married to my brother Kent and the mom to 4 kiddos. She is amazing.

Little Miss Constance and her Daddy.

Cute Ezra again.

After the dinner I couldn't find Sariah. I looked all over.

And this is where I found her peacefully reading a book all by herself. She can be a social butterfly one minute and happy as a clam all by herself.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Trip to Utah: Driving Day 1

I got the opportunity this summer to drive up to Utah for 2 trips. We were so lucky to hang out with Utah family this summer. Our first trip to Utah was to visit with all the newborn babies and bring Lukas back to Arizona with us for an extended visit.
My kiddos travel soo much better during the day. I like to drive at night but to keep peace in my car and mind I would much rather drive in the day time so they are happy. I woke them up at 7am and got us going in the car right away. Yes they stayed in their jammies. Please disregard that this photo was taken while driving.

Justin got a hold of the camera while I was driving and took a close up of the tater tot.

While waiting in the drive-thru for our lunch I snapped a shot of the dressed kiddos. He is such a handsome little man and helped so much this trip. We had fun making noises and laughing most of the 10 hours.

Justin is a good camera man....our wait at the drive-thru was like 15 minutes.....we stopped at a little mom and pop diner that had a drive-thru. The officer who pulled me over for speeding recommended it. It was really good food and I didn't get a ticket either. I was speeding, so he did pull me over for a valid reason. He came to my window, all ready to give me a ticket when this little sweet 2 year old voice from the back said, "Hi". The officer seriously became mush. He was smitten with my two year old and gave me a warning. Isn't that the best?

How I love being their Mom, they are the best!

As soon as we got to Grandma's house my kids ran around like crazies with their cousins and uncles. Being couped up in a car for 11 hours is rough.

Sariah and Abe play so good together.

Can you tell that we are sisters? Neither of us wore makeup that day....

Rachel hardly ever smiles for cameras so this has to be documented.

I love my mom, Grandma Ladybug. I really do love spending time with her whenever I can. She is a little crazy and yes it is herititary.

This little chunk was number 3 of the 5 babies born this summer. I was so excited to see Mr Ezra.

He loves talking to his Momma. He even wore a turtle for me.

Sariah loves her Papa Kent.

So happy to be out of the car and playing.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Family Fun at the Park

Some Sundays we take a walk as a family to the nearby school park to play outside together. We love spending time outside when it's not too hot. Even though it was a July afternoon here in Arizona the wind was blowing hard enough to make it bearable.
Justin and Sariah running in the big open field.

Candid Shot of me and the man I love with all I have to love!

Daddy and his princess

Little Man is amazing! Ready to send the Helicopter flying high.

Sariah's face explains the excitement.

Look at it go. Daddy just helped her send the helicopter into the sky.

Running to tell me what had happened.

I love him!

Taking a break.

Where we spent a lazy Sunday afternoon.