Now my cute Sariah was suppose to only give me one present. She bought me a super cute dress that I love and will post pictures of later. But then she decided at about 11pm Saturday night to give me another present....a weekend and the week thus far of no sleep. Wahoo! She started crying at about 11ish saturday night and did not stop crying till about 4:30 am...yep that is 5 hours of crying. Then she slept for a few hours and woke up and slept and woke up...each time waking up with a pleasant cry. We made it to Sacrament meeting at 1pm and only stayed for that meeting before we headed for home. She did sleep for a little bit Sunday night but woke up many times screaming crying and it was just soo much fun.

Anyway, I am alive and well, I had a great birthday...hopefully by next week I will have some better pictures to share and a sleeping baby again.