Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
MLK Parade
Here in Mesa they have a parade to celebrate Martin Luther King Day. My cute sister Brynn was playing in one of the marching bands so we all went out to show our support. Well everyone except for James who had to work.
Here is the whole crew with my skinny looking Dad! (check out his blog)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Horseback or Piggyback?
Sariah loves , loves to play with her brother. She will copy everything he does and try whatever she can to get him to play with her. Sometimes the stars align and they are both in a good mood.
Here are the munchkins playing nice.
She is too little to fit her legs around his waist so he had to carry her around like this for a bit. She kept asking him more, more.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Eating Photo Shoot
Little Miss and I often eat dinner without the boys. Justin and James can be found out and about doing wrestling or scouts. Which leaves Sariah and I with lots of time to ourselves. Seriously I can't get enough of this cute face. She brings me soooo many smiles. One particular night we were having so much fun that I pulled out the camera and she totally posed for so many pictures.
She had avocados and chicken noodle soup for dinner. Can you tell?
Love this little gal.
After she finished her avocado and most of her noodles, I let her have a yummy truffle bar. Oh she loved it!!!
Oh my chocolate everywhere!!!!
Getting the very last little bit.
I look like a total scrub because I had gone and worked out before dinner. Ignore the hair and clothes they are stinky workout clothes. Good thing pictures don't smell.
Love this picture because we have almost the same exact expression on our faces. Can you see how swollen her gums are? Teething is no fun.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Technology Lacking....
This is a picture of my kitchen sink. You might notice the beautiful flowers my loving husband got me a week an half ago. You might notice the white cupboards. But do you notice that there is no dishwasher?
A lot of people say that they were born in the wrong era. How they would like to of been born a hundred years ago or even further back in time. I, on the other hand, know for a fact that I was born in the right era. The Lord knew exactly what he was doing placing me in a time where there are so many different technologies that I could not live without, dishwashers being one of them. Running water, hot showers, indoor plumbing all around, washing machines, cell phones....seriously the list could go on. I am ever grateful for the modern technologies that make my life easier and give me more time to play with my cute kiddos.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Little Miss Toenails
I finally painted my little gals toenails for the first time. Sunday (1/17) I had a little time before church and painted her toenails. It was so much fun for me to see her face as I painted them. As you can see they aren't perfect but still cute. Her feet are still so tiny.
She loves it when I show her my toes whenever I come home from getting a pedicure. She will stare at my toes and touch them, getting all excited about the new design.
Here is the best shot I could get with both our toes. She kept wanting to sit in my lap while I took the pictures, so this is the best I could get.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Watching TV
The first thing James did for me when we moved it was set up the TV for the kids to be able to watch movies. We don't have cable and the kids don't even know the difference.
Here is Little Miss in her favorite spot to watch a show....she'll start out on the couch but eventually is standing. Recently she has been moving her bike to be right in front of the TV so she can sit on it and watch.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
If it were this easy!
My Dad posted this hilarious cartoon on his blog .

Friday, January 22, 2010
Happy New Year...2010
We didn't do anything spectacular for New Year's so there aren't really any pictures at all to post. But Justin had a Primary PJ Breakfast on January 2nd where they did a little New Year's celebration. He got this hat that he gave to his sister when we went to pick him up. Sometimes my kids play so well together and sometimes not so much. I am just glad I had my camera this time to capture what I hope to be the spirit of 2010.
This is how the hat goes on your head.
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